I Love this Movie
Recently while cyber stalking Sean Patrick Flanery and Norman Reedus...which is a small(yeah right) part of everyday. I came across Rotten Tomatoes review of the movie, 20% and I was like WHAT!!! THE!!! FUCK!!!!
Now, I had seen a clip on youtube where the guys talked about the review but, they just kinda blew it off...I had to read it to find out what these people had missed....I mean, I watch this movie all the time...I "know" lots of people who do and while I will admit some of it is just us ladies drooling over the brothers....
I know a LOT of dudes that love the movie, also. SO after reading hte CRITICS reviews I gather they are upset because it didn't have enough moral content whatever the fuck that might be for them. Well I say ....
Now the audience reviews are 90% on Rotten Tomatoes and IMBd 7.8 out of 10 which equal cult classic..
So let me break it down....
1. The Brothers: Trying to clean up the scum, I mean who hasn't watched the news and thought about the world being better if some people weren't in it. I know I would kill for my sister, hell I would kill for my best friend.
2. Agent Smecker: OMG, how could you not love Willem Dafoe's performance as Smecker...it was both beautiful and hideous all at the same time. Again law enforcement has to at least every once in a while want to turn a blind eye when the bad guys get what they deserve.
3. Boston's finest...Dolly, Duffy and Greenly... Sure they are a little clueless but how can you not love them in their totally ineptitude.
4. Il Duce: Two words Billy Connolly. In a behind the scenes short he talks about how Troy Duffy and the movie are like Rock and Roll ....you hear it and you are like this is for me ...it reaches in side you. Maybe that is why I love it so much I love Rock and Roll.
The reasons I love the first are the reasons I love the second but I must also throw in a couple new characters.
5. Romeo..What can I say he is their Mexican which while not politically correct it is funny.
Romeo add comedy and dare I say a little emotion..since he is always crying but like he says they are a colorful people.

And by the way I seriously want to rock his hair someday!!
6. Eunice Bloom: Hot smart and rocks some killer shoes....I really like that she totally messed with Dolly, Duffy and Greenly, too!
So there is talk of a 3rd and I am waiting patiently....and I say