Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sean Flanery Gifs....

Just a collection of gifs I love 



Once Bitten, Twice Shy

I love Kelley Armstrong's Bitten series. Clayton is my favorite, of course I do have a thing for those tragically wounded boys.  And the thing is I don't want to make them better I like them just the way they are.  Anyway that is a topic for an entirely different post.

Anyway, back to Bitten, a few months ago I heard the buzz in the twitterverse that Bitten was now going to be a series and at first only in Canada and then Syfy picked it up.  I was excited, but also apprehensive.  You see, I am a voracious reader,
(i don't know who this is but I need this tattoo)

devouring them daily and I also have an amazing imagination, if I do say so myself.  I have entire novels rolling around in my head but just can't seem to get them out. This is where my nervousness comes in ...I have a really hard time loving movies or series that are from books that I love, I have an incredibly hard time letting go of the characters I have in my melon.

So, with a semi open mind I watched the first episode, I had heard grumblings about Elena, people didn't think Laura Vandervoot was the right person for the character

so far I think she is doing the character justice.

I am 4 episodes in and I am still watching and enjoying the series so far.  I have to say that Greg Bryk plays a big part of that enjoyment because of his role of Jeremy Danvers , ALPHA, father figure, who is quiet but strong. He rules but also understand the emotional baggage of the pack.

I also happened to catch him on his wife's show and he made me laugh when I tweeted about it and he responded....don't ya just love that feeling

Let's talk about Clayton Danvers for a bit.  He is that emotionally damaged character that all girls fall for(at least I do anyway). Now, I am not gonna tell you his history because if you haven't watched or read the series is your motivation, just know that he has BAGGAGE
 but he is also loves his girl with all of her baggage. What more could you want right ....well you would or should want Greyston Holt, who plays Clayton..

The we have Nick, the one that has all the game. He uses his playfulness to get information from everyone including mutts.

He is played by Steve Lund who isn't hard to look at either and I feel like he has really captured the feel of Nick from the books.

Next we have Logan who, like Elena, is trying to live his life as normally as possible and seems to be succeeding. He lives with his girlfriend who is clueless about his inner beast and he also has a psychology practice but he also drops everything to return home when Jeremy calls.  He also happens to be living in the same town as Elena and wants to help her balance her life.

He is played by Michael Xavier

So what do I think ...I think people who read the books will enjoy the show and lovers of paranormal and weres with really like it.  Why don't you check it out...if you have missed it all so far SyFy has it on demand and it comes on Monday nights...