Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Those Winchester Boys and Castiel


Dean, Sam and Cas

I watched Supernatural from the beginning but I will admit I had never WATCHED Supernatural until this past fall.  Then I sat and binged on season after season on Netflix.  I could not get enough and I still can't.  Once again I found me a broken, damaged dude who tugs at my heart and and turns me on.  But not only is there  one....hold up.....there are three or possibly four is you count Crowley.  There is so much to love about this show and let me tell you the Fandom is fanatic.  Jared and Misha are on twitter and can put a hurting on you if they call on the legions, just ask the "Beebs".  Jensen needs to get twitter, we need him.

I am trying to decide if this should be a three part post...I am leaning toward it because I think they each deserve their own.
So without further ado...
I give you Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester

Dean is the older brother.  He loves classic rock, pie, his impala, Castiel and Sam.  Like I said before he is damaged but he is good.  He kinda reminds me of the big dumb puppy, who loves you and is loyal but can't seem to stay outta trouble and also breaks your shit but you just love to bits and you melt when you look in his eyes...yep that's Dean
 But, he will also go to hell for you..He will fight for you and if you let him he will save you. He will bleed for you. He will do the hard things that he knows you will hate him for.

You are breaking my heart with your tears, Dean

Dean loves with all his heart and soul. It is his LOVE that drives him, some say it is his honor or sense of responsibility but I totally disagree.  His love of his dad, Sam, Castiel, Bobby and all the other people that he holds dear is what keeps him moving forward day after day.  It gives him a single mindedness that often rubs people the wrong way but it is that focus that allows him to continue after everything that has happened to him.

Let us talk about Dean's ability to eat.  I truly love his appetite I don't know why, but it is like it is it's own character on the show. Let us not forget PIE and PUDDING.

I am a bit amazed by the amount of food he can shove into his mouth at one time....it is truly a skill:)

He loves his car!  This first one has nothing to do with the car really but ummm...looky looky

and as I said he loves his classic rock, if you are a true fan then you know that Jensen can sing...so for your listen pleasure I give you ....

So thank you Jensen for the laughs and the tears.  Tune in next for a little look into Sam!