I was a Sci-Fi chick before it was cool, before Sci-Fi became SyFy so girls would be more interested. It all started with the original Star Trek...you know with Shatner before the travel commercials. I can thank my dad for that. My favorite was the Tribbles please remember I was a little girl who also loved Unicorns.
Fast forward a few years and since we lived in a rural area books were my next Sci-Fi adventure I read Jules Verne and comic books and also my choice of cartoons foreshadowed my love of all things Science fiction and paranormal. My favorite cartoon was Wildfire...I mean come on a horse(all girls love horses) that traveled to another dimension what more could I have wanted, when we finally got cable I was in heaven.
Imagine my utter joy the first time I saw Doctor Who.
I could go on and on but the point is now there are Cons and costumes and everyone is into Sci-Fi ....and that is good but I was Sci-fi when this would have gotten your ass kick:)
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