Shit My Husband Does
I am going to start this by saying that I truly love my husband and he spoils me like crazy. But having said that I am now going to say that he does some things that make me absolutely...
(thanks KMM for the saying)
I was going to call this stupid shit my husband does then I thought well maybe annoying shit my husband does and since I couldn't decide I settled for Shit period. As anyone who has been married for any amount of time or has even lived with someone for a while can attest to share a living space with another person is trying to say the least. I have had roommates before that did things that really pushed some of my buttons but the hubs pushes them and then stands on them and then jumps up and down on them.
There are MANY things but I am going to list the hot ticket items here, you see it has been one of those weeks and I need to vent and I figured some of you out there would like to know you are not alone.
He always makes me late....ALWAYS.
And not only does he make me late he then tries to blame it on me because he says my information about when I needed to leave or be to said place was unclear....hmmm let me think "I need to be there by 4:30" .........doesn't seem unclear. I am speaking his native tongue..English. I have told him MANY times. But it never fails his arrives so late that I am late and have at time had to cancel whatever it was I was going to.
By the way his new thing with this is that I now not only have to tell him verbally, I have to text and email him my information....excuse me but are you freakin kidding me.
Example...Today I had a minor procedure at dr, we have been talking about it and the appointment for 2 months, last night I said,"So are you going to drop me off at Dr and then go to work until I am done?" He proceeded to look at me with this blank stare having NO idea what I was talking about and then started bitching because he never got an email about it.
I am a golf widow and my kids are golf orphans.
At first it was once a month, then every weekend and now every weekend and one night during the week. Now if it was just us I probably wouldn't care that much but now that we have kids, kids who say they hate golf..hint hint you are gone to much. It really gripes my ass, mostly because this came out of his mouth "I work all week so I DESERVE to go out and golf and hang out with my friends on the weekend", now I should also say I am a stay at home mom, and so when I say well I work all week too he just looks at me. I also want to point out that going to work is all he does, I do EVERYTHING else. I take care of kids, house, animals, cars, bill ect.
That's me at Kindergarten graduation...notice he is not there. The next day I was at the zoo with the oldest boy and our youngest in tow.
Now I love having the privilege of being able to be home with my kids, but I wish the amount of work that goes into it was appreciated more. When we both worked we split everything but now since I am home I do it all.
OK, so I get it, we can all tune people out but my hubs is horrible about this and with his iphone he is worse than he ever was before. I will be talking to him and I am not talking about chit chat it can be important stuff and as soon as I see his eyes drifting then I know he is not hearing a word I am saying and if I don't happen to notice then I have to say it over and sometimes I end up repeating myself so many times I am so pissed off I don't want to be in the same room with him any longer.
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